Dominique RenéMay 5, 2022IMIA and BCS: Where cartography meets industryDate: 25 May 2022 Time: 6–7.15 pm BST Free to BCS, IMIA and CaGIS members Non-members $25 Register via the IMIA website. In this virtual...
Dominique RenéMar 10, 2022BCS statement on UkraineAs a member of the International Cartographic Association and a partner of the International Map Industry Association, the British...
Dominique RenéJun 28, 2021Let's Talk about MapsRegistration for the joint event between the British Cartographic Society and International Map Industry Association is now open. For...
Dominique RenéMar 8, 2021Where Cartography Meets Industry – a joint event with BCS and IMIAThe International Map Industry Association and the British Cartographic Society are hosting an engaging event entitled Where Cartography...