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Upcoming Events for November

Maps and the 20th Century: Drawing the Line

British Library

Two World Wars. The moon landings. The digital revolution. This exhibition of extraordinary maps looks at the important role they played during the 20th century. It sheds new light on familiar events and spans conflicts, creativity, the ocean floor and even outer space.

It includes exhibits ranging from the first map of the Hundred Acre Wood to secret spy maps, via the New York Subway. And, as technology advances further than we ever imagined possible, it questions what it really means to have your every move mapped.

BCS members get £3 off the admission price by presenting their membership card when paying

Great Escapes: Mapping War from WW2 to Sarjevo

British Library

An evening on the way maps have been used in war and to tell the stories of war

Former BBC correspondent Kate Adie, hosts an evening with speakers Barbara Bond, who reveals the extraordinary world of the silk escape maps smuggled by MI9 into WW2 prisons, and Miran Norderland who was born in Sarajevo and has led the documentation of the Siege of Sarajevo and the fall of Yugoslavia through powerful maps and other media.

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