3 - Map Librarianship Bibliographies and Periodicals
Larsgaard, Mary Lynette. Map librarianship an introduction. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998.[If you don't have this book in your map library, you don't have a map library]
Aber, Susan and Jenny. Map Librarianship : a guide to geoliteracy, map and GIS resources and services. Chandos Publishing, 2016
Parry, R.B. & Perkins, C.R. (eds). The Map Library in the New Millennium. London: Library Association Publishing, 2001.
Drazniowsky, Roman. Map librarianship: readings. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975. [This is the classic.]
Ristow, Walter William. The emergence of maps in libraries. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1980. [This is the other classic.]
Wallis, Helen and Zögner, Lothar (eds.), The Map librarian in the modern world essays in honour of Walter W. Ristow, presented by the IFLA Section of Geography and Map Libraries. Munich: K. G. Saur, 1979.
Farrell, Barbara and Desbarats, Aileen, Guide for a small map collection. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries, 1984.
Nichols, Harold. Map librarianship. London: Bingley, 1982.
Sebert, L.M. (ed.), Handbook for small map libraries. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [1970?].
Managing cartographic and architectural records [Jeanne Young and Nancy G. Miller]. Washington, D.C.: Office of Records Administration, 1989.
Brown, Lloyd A., Notes on the care and cataloguing of old maps. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, [1970].
Maps, spatial data and conservation proceedings of IFLA Malaysian Workshop, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 17-21 June 1991, edited by Voon Phin Keong and Thami Munisah Mohd. Yusoff. Kuala Lumpur: Library, University of Malaya, 1992.
Introduction to maps in local studies: a one day course organised by the Library Association in association with the Society of Archivists and the Map Curators Group of B.C.S. Wednesday 16th March 1988. London: Library Association, 1988.
Wise Donald A. (ed.), Cartographic acquisitions: a collection of articles. Broken Arrow, Okla.: Clay Cotsha Press, 1985.
Paige, G. Andrew, Susan M. Moore, and Mary Larsgaard. RDA and Cartographic Resources. London: Facet Publishing, 2014. 9781856047722 (Joint publication with American Library Association 9780838911310)
Paige G. Andrew. Cataloging sheet maps: the basics. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Information Press, 2003
Paige G. Andrew, Mary Lynette Larsgaard (editors). Maps and related cartographic materials cataloging, classification, and bibliographic control. New York: Haworth Information Press, c1999.
Guide to Cataloguing Printed Maps - Guidance notes for the occasional map cataloguer by Paula Williams and available on the Historic Libraries Forum website.
Cartographic Materials: a Manual of Interpretation for AACR2, 2002 revision (2nd ed.) prepared by Anglo-American Cataloguing Committee for Cartographic Materials (AACCM) (2002). London : Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.
Map cataloging bibliography : selectively annotated, edited by Glenda Jo Fox Hughes and Constance Demetracopoulos. Washington: Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division, 1997
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. ISBD (CM): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Cartographic Materials recommended by the ISBD Review Committee.
London: IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, 1987. A 1999 revision is now available to download [PDF]
Library of Congress. Geography and Map Division. Map cataloging manual, prepared by Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: Cataloging Distribution Service, 1991.
Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Materials (Cartographics), or DCRM(C) and here for background information.
World mapping today, R.B. Parry, C.R. Perkins graphic indexes prepared by Cartographic Unit, Department of Geography, University of Reading. London: Bowker-Saur, 2000. [This is the source on modern topographic mapping from all nations, what's been done, who did it, and includes brief histories of each country's official mapping.]
Mapping the UK, C.R. Perkins and R.B. Parry. London : Bowker-Saur, 1996. [Really useful text plus graphic indexes for topographic and thematic series of the UK]
International Bibliography of Maps & Atlases, Saur, 2004. 2nd CD ROM edition [It was intended to issue an update to this every two years].
Cartographic citations a style guide by Suzanne M. Clark, Mary Lynette Larsgaard and Cynthia M. Teague. Chicago: Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association, 1992.
ACMLA Recommended best practices in citation of cartographic materials on behalf of the Bibliographic Control Committee of ACMLA.
Information sources in cartography editors C. R. Perkins, R. B. Parry. London: Bowker-Saur, 1990.
Cartographical Innovations: An International Handbook of Mapping Terms, Helen Wallis, Arthur H. Robinson (eds), 1987. Map Collector Publications (1982) Ltd, Tring. [This is a very useful reference work.]
Periodicals about map librarianship
Cartographiti, the newsletter of the Map Curators' Group of the British Cartographic Society. [Liverpool]: Map Curators' Group, [1983-]
The Journal of Map & Geography Libraries (Geoscapes), Binghamton, NY The Haworth Press, Inc., [2004-]
Coordinates: Online Journal of the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table, American Library Association, 2004-2009.
Base line, a newsletter of the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table of the American Library Association. Springfield, Ill.: Map and Geography Round Table, [1982-]
Western Association of Map Libraries Information Bulletin. [Santa Cruz, Calif.]: Western Association of Map Libraries, [1969-]
Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives Bulletin (ACMLA Bulletin). Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries, [1968-]
The Globe, Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Map Society. Melbourne: Australian Map Curators' Circle, [1974-]
Newsletter, Australian and New Zealand Map Society. [Palmerston North]: New Zealand Map Keepers Circle, [1977-]
These pages were compiled by: April Carlucci (British Library Map Library); Tinho da Cruz (Department of Geography, University of Liverpool); Anne Taylor (Cambridge University Library). They are maintained by the Map Curators' Group of the BCS. Colleagues are requested to help keep this information current by e-mailing suggestions for inclusion, and details of links that don't work.