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3 - Map Librarianship Bibliographies and Periodicals


Anchor 1
  • Larsgaard, Mary Lynette. Map librarianship an introduction. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1998.[If you don't have this book in your map library, you don't have a map library]

  • Aber, Susan and Jenny. Map Librarianship : a guide to geoliteracy, map and GIS resources and services. Chandos Publishing, 2016

  • Parry, R.B. & Perkins, C.R. (eds). The Map Library in the New Millennium. London: Library Association Publishing, 2001.

  • Drazniowsky, Roman. Map librarianship: readings. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1975. [This is the classic.]

  • Ristow, Walter William. The emergence of maps in libraries. Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1980. [This is the other classic.]

  • Wallis, Helen and Zögner, Lothar (eds.), The Map librarian in the modern world essays in honour of Walter W. Ristow, presented by the IFLA Section of Geography and Map Libraries. Munich: K. G. Saur, 1979.

  • Farrell, Barbara and Desbarats, Aileen, Guide for a small map collection. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries, 1984.

  • Nichols, Harold. Map librarianship. London: Bingley, 1982.

  • Sebert, L.M. (ed.), Handbook for small map libraries. [S.l.]: [s.n.], [1970?].

  • Managing cartographic and architectural records [Jeanne Young and Nancy G. Miller]. Washington, D.C.: Office of Records Administration, 1989.

  • Brown, Lloyd A., Notes on the care and cataloguing of old maps. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, [1970].

  • Maps, spatial data and conservation proceedings of IFLA Malaysian Workshop, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 17-21 June 1991, edited by Voon Phin Keong and Thami Munisah Mohd. Yusoff. Kuala Lumpur: Library, University of Malaya, 1992.

  • Introduction to maps in local studies: a one day course organised by the Library Association in association with the Society of Archivists and the Map Curators Group of B.C.S. Wednesday 16th March 1988. London: Library Association, 1988.

  • Wise Donald A. (ed.), Cartographic acquisitions: a collection of articles. Broken Arrow, Okla.: Clay Cotsha Press, 1985.


Anchor 2
  • Paige, G. Andrew, Susan M. Moore, and Mary Larsgaard. RDA and Cartographic Resources. London: Facet Publishing, 2014. 9781856047722 (Joint publication with American Library Association 9780838911310)

  • Paige G. Andrew. Cataloging sheet maps: the basics. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Information Press, 2003

  • Paige G. Andrew, Mary Lynette Larsgaard (editors). Maps and related cartographic materials cataloging, classification, and bibliographic control. New York: Haworth Information Press, c1999.

  • Guide to Cataloguing Printed Maps - Guidance notes for the occasional map cataloguer by Paula Williams and available on the Historic Libraries Forum website.

  • Cartographic Materials: a Manual of Interpretation for AACR2, 2002 revision (2nd ed.) prepared by Anglo-American Cataloguing Committee for Cartographic Materials (AACCM) (2002). London : Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.

  • Map cataloging bibliography : selectively annotated, edited by Glenda Jo Fox Hughes and Constance Demetracopoulos. Washington: Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division, 1997

  • International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. ISBD (CM): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Cartographic Materials recommended by the ISBD Review Committee.

  • London: IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, 1987. A 1999 revision is now available to download [PDF]

  • Library of Congress. Geography and Map Division. Map cataloging manual, prepared by Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: Cataloging Distribution Service, 1991.

  • Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Materials (Cartographics), or DCRM(C) and here for background information.


Anchor 3
  • World mapping today, R.B. Parry, C.R. Perkins graphic indexes prepared by Cartographic Unit, Department of Geography, University of Reading. London: Bowker-Saur, 2000. [This is the source on modern topographic mapping from all nations, what's been done, who did it, and includes brief histories of each country's official mapping.]

  • Mapping the UK, C.R. Perkins and R.B. Parry. London : Bowker-Saur, 1996. [Really useful text plus graphic indexes for topographic and thematic series of the UK]

  • International Bibliography of Maps & Atlases, Saur, 2004. 2nd CD ROM edition [It was intended to issue an update to this every two years].

  • Cartographic citations a style guide by Suzanne M. Clark, Mary Lynette Larsgaard and Cynthia M. Teague. Chicago: Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association, 1992.

  • ACMLA Recommended best practices in citation of cartographic materials on behalf of the Bibliographic Control Committee of ACMLA.

  • Information sources in cartography editors C. R. Perkins, R. B. Parry. London: Bowker-Saur, 1990.

  • Cartographical Innovations: An International Handbook of Mapping Terms, Helen Wallis, Arthur H. Robinson (eds), 1987. Map Collector Publications (1982) Ltd, Tring. [This is a very useful reference work.]

Periodicals about map librarianship

Anchor 4

These pages were compiled by: April Carlucci (British Library Map Library); Tinho da Cruz (Department of Geography, University of Liverpool); Anne Taylor (Cambridge University Library). They are maintained by the Map Curators' Group of the BCS. Colleagues are requested to help keep this information current by e-mailing suggestions for inclusion, and details of links that don't work.

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