7 - Mapping and Imagery
Military mapping
Military Publishers' Designations. A PDF version of this invaluable MCG publication compiled by Graham Webster. Note the 'health warning' at the beginning! We hope to start updating the document in the near future.
The BCS Historical Military Mapping Special Interest Group may be of interest
WWII escape maps website
Nautical mapping
Air photos and satellite imagery
The Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (the RSPSoc). A society formed from a merger between the Remote Sensing Society and the Photogrammetric Society.
The National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) in Edinburgh holds over 26 million aerial photographs of places around the world.
Geomni UK. Provider of high-resolution aerial photography, satellite imagery products and services and other mapping data.
GetMapping.com Provider of aerial photography.
Cambridge University Collection of Aerial Photography (CUCAP) Catalogue available online
EarthExplorer images from USGS
Airbus Defence and Space Provider of SPOT remote sensing images
BlueSky UK, Ireland and USA sites
Digital resources
Multi-Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside (MAGIC). Provides authoritative geographic information about the natural environment from across government
Data.gov.uk Find data published by central government, local authorities and public bodies
University of Reading Map Library guide to GIS & Remote Sensing Lots of other useful things in this Libguide as well!
ShareGeo Open. Was a repository of geospatial data, previously hosted by EDINA. ShareGeo Open has been discontinued, and its datasets migrated to the Edinburgh DataShare Collection.
There are a number of projects which involve the digitisation of paper maps taking place. A list of such projects in GB is being compiled by Anne Taylor at the instigation of BRICMICS. Information on projects that should be added to the list is very welcome (contact maps@lib.cam.ac.uk)
Dealing with Digital Data
ERPANET is concerned with approaches to existing and future digital preservation problems
MAGIRT Electronic Publication No. 3 is the useful Metadata Primer for Map Librarians
UKOLN (the UK Office for Library Networking) has metadata forum (Note: UKOLN ceased to operate on 31 July 2015)
Geodetic tools
OS Net Services for professional surveyors, geodesists and GIS developers from Ordnance Survey. See also, for example, their explanation of the National Grid.
Great Circle Distance Calculator. There are many more of these on the web. This is an example from John A. Byers
Transverse Mercator Calculator. A facility for converting latitude/longitude co-ordinates to co-ordinates in metres on a Transverse Mercator projection
National Geodetic Survey (USA) Geodetic Tool Kit
FieldenMaps.info. Includes a co-ordinate converter for OS and other maps.FieldenMaps.info. Includes a co-ordinate converter for OS and other maps.
Some of the links on the Cambridge University Library Map Department website may also be useful
These pages were compiled by: April Carlucci (British Library Map Library); Tinho da Cruz (Department of Geography, University of Liverpool); Anne Taylor (Cambridge University Library). They are maintained by the Map Curators' Group of the BCS. Colleagues are requested to help keep this information current by e-mailing suggestions for inclusion, and details of links that don't work.