Derbyshire Record Office
Derbyshire County Council
A large collection of estate maps and plans, county maps (l6th-2Oth centuries), enclosure awards and tithe plans. OS 1:63,360 Old Series (or First Edition), 1:10,560 and 1:2,500 county series (various eds., incomplete). 1:2,500 1st and 2nd editions on film. Land Values Duties (1912) plans, Local Authority special purpose plans, coal mining and ead mining plans (18th-2Oth centuries).
Handbills of tithe and enclosure maps are in preparation.
County and Diocesan Archivist, County Hall, MATLOCK Derbys. DE4 3AG
Main contact
Dr M. O'Sullivan (postal) Derbyshire Record Office (personal)
Telephone number
01629-580000 Ext. 35201 / Ext. 35207 or 01629 585347 (Search Room)
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 0930-0645 Closed Council Grace Days (days after public holidays except May Day and New Years Day)
Prior appointment advisable for all maps and film. Group visits must be arranged in advance.
Readers are required to register and provide proof of identity
Reprographic services available
Last revision