Department of History and Topography
Glasgow City Council
Circa 30,000 sheets and atlases, mainly Scottish, both current and historical. Current OS 1:25,000 for Britain; 1:10,000 for Scotland; 1:2,500 for part of the Strathclyde Region and 1:1,250 for Glasgow. Administrative and post code maps for Britain; Geological Survey (1:50,000), Soil Survey and land use maps for Scotland; Admiralty charts for the Scottish coast; street maps (British and foreign); European maps up to 1:100,000, including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Publications: a reprint of Ross's Map of Glasgow (1773).
Glasgow City Libraries, The Mitchell Library, North Street, GLASGOW G3 7DN
Main contact
Telephone number
0141 287 2938
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon-Thurs 0900-2000; Fri, Sat 0900-1700
Photocopying, electrostatic and photographic facilities available
Last revision