Hull Central Library
Kingston upon Hull City Libraries
Approx. 10,000 sheets and 200 atlases.
Arts and Humanities Library
Os 1:63,360/1:50,000 and smaller; 1:25,000 (Yorks. and Humberside); town plans; route planning maps; foreign travel maps; World Map series. E-mail the Arts & Humanities Library
Library of Science, Technology and Commerce
Geological Survey maps of England, Wales & Scotland; Land Utilisation and agricultural land classification maps of England & Wales; Admiralty charts (English coast). Email the Business and Technology Library
Local Studies Library
Historical maps of Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire from 1300 to date; large scale OS maps of Hull and East Riding (1855 onwards); enclosure maps; fire insurance maps; footpath maps.
Air photo mosaics for Hull (1946, 1:1,250). Full aerial survey of Humberside (1989, 1:10,000). Some aerial views. E-mail the Local Studies Library
Publications include The Development of Kingston upon Hull shown through Contemporary Maps and Views, rev. ed. 1987.
Albion Street HULL HU1 3TF
Main contact
Arts and Humanities, Business and Technology, Local Studies Librarians (as appropriate)
Telephone number
01482 210066 (Arts & Humanities), 01482 210055 (Business & Technology), 01482 210077 (Local Studies)
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon-Thurs 0930-2000; Fri 0930-1730; Sat 0900-1630
Photocopying subject to copyright and physical condition.
Last revision