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Loughborough Library

Leicestershire County Council

OS 1:2,500 (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 1966 eds.) for Loughborough, north Leics. and south Notts.; 1:10,560 for north Leics.; 1:1,250 for Loughborough. Miscellaneous collection of county maps, transport and utility maps for Loughborough and area, GOAD plans, local authority and estate agents plans, etc., mainly 19th-2Oth centuries. Geology and admin. maps for north Leicestershire. Miscellaneous aerial photographs (various dates).


Local Studies Collection, Granby Street LOUGHBOROUGH Leics. LE11 3DZ

Main contact

Lisa Watson (Customer Services Librarian)

Telephone number

01509 212985

Opening hours

Mon - Thurs, 0930 - 2000 ; Fri, 0930 - 1730; Sat, 09.30 - 1700; Sun, 1300 - 1600


Researchers wishing to use the microfiche or microfilm readers are advised to book in advance


Photocopying facilities in main library


Last revision


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