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Local Studies Section
Newcastle upon Tyne City Council
Circa 5,000 items. Town and County maps of Northumberland, Durham and Tyne-and-Wear from 1564; OS maps at scales 1:63,360/1:50,000, 1:25,000, and 1:10,560/1:10,000 (all eds.) for Northumberland and Durham; 1:2,500 for Newcastle, Gateshead, Tyneside and parts of south Northumberland; 1:1,250 for Newcastle and Tyneside; 1:500 for Newcastle. Local administrative and geological maps, Goad shopping centre plans.
Of interest is the SEYMOUR BELL COLLECTION (approx. 600 manuscript estate plans for the local area ca. 1790-1910).
City Library, Princess Square, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, NE99 1DX
Main contact
Telephone number
0191 261 0691 Ext. 213
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon, Thurs 0930-2100;Tues, Wed, Fri 0930-1700; Sat 0900-1700 Closed Sats. before bank holidays
Microfiche reader/printer
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