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Department of Town Planning

Nottingham Trent University

OS 1:25,000 for the East Midlands; 1:10,000, 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 for Nottingham and specific areas in the East Midlands; 1:100,000 administrative maps; geology, soils, land use and agricultural land classification maps.

Enumeration District maps for Notts. and Derbys. (1:10,000) for 1971 and 1981 censuses. Old maps of Nottingham. Air photographs of Nottingham.

Publications include a set of 5 old maps of Nottingham (1819-1881).


Chaucer Street NOTTINGHAM NG1 4BU Location: Chaucer Building Room 470

Main contact

Telephone number

0115-941-8418 Ext. 2545

E-mail address

Opening hours

Mon-Thur 0830-1700; Fri 0830-1600


Access intended for university staff and students only.


Photocopying (colour and b&w) available.


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