Local Studies Collection
Peterborough City Council
Circa 2,900 sheets. OS 6" and 25" scales for the Peterborough area (mid-l9th century to c1980). Some OS 1:2,500 sheets on 35mm. microfilm in sleeves. Thematic maps of local administrative areas; land classification, land utilisation, geology, etc. 17th-l9th century county maps covering Cambs. Hunts., and Northants with facsimiles copies covering the Fenlands. Photostats of local enclosure and some estate maps. Street maps for Peterborough (c1910-date).
Local air photographs: copies of Aerofilms oblique photo's (c1919-c1950) and Cambs County Council vertical photo's (1988); also hold negatives of local commercial firm's oblique photo's (c1980-c1995).
Current OS 1:63,360 maps for UK for Reference and Lending; 'standard' atlases in the Reference Library.
Central Library, Broadway, PETERBOROUGH, PE1 1RX
Main contact
Telephone number
(01733) 742700 (via call centre during office hours)
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon to Wed, Fri 0900-1900; Thursday 0900-2000; Sat 0900-1800
Prior appointment desirable
Photocopying and microfilm printouts available
Last revision