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GeoMapping Unit

Plymouth University

Circa 20,000 sheets, atlases and air photographs. Full topographic coverage of Great Britain at 1:50,000 and 1:25,000. 1:10,560/1:10,000 coverage for south west England and selected other areas of UK. Large scale plans of Plymouth and environs, including historical. Small scale coverage of most of the world.

UK cover of BGS mapping + associated memoirs and explanations,  foreign geological maps and aerial photographs / satellite imagery of geological and landscape features. Soils, land-use and other thematic mapping at various scales.

Air photographs and satellite imagery of Dartmoor and the Plymouth area, also of selected other areas in the UK and abroad.


708 Davy Building/005 Fitzroy Building, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Drakes Circus PLYMOUTH PL4 8AA

Main contact

Telephone number

01752 585533 (direct)


Opening hours

Mon-Fri 0900-16:30



Photocopying subject to copyright regulations.


Last revision

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