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School of Geosciences

Queen's University, Belfast

Approx. 30,000 maps and 350 atlases. Comprehensive coverage of Ireland, including volumes of full sets of 1:10,560 County Series, 1st edition. Coverage also at 1:10,000 -1:1,250 scales. UK topographic coverage at 1:25,000 and smaller; geology and land use at 1:63,360/1:50,000. Topographic coverage for the remainder of the world, with strengths in Europe and the Commonwealth.


Elmwood Avenue, BELFAST, Northern Ireland, BT7 1NN

Main contact

Telephone number

(028) 9024 5133 Ext. 3346 (D.E. McShane), Ext. 3347 (Dept.)

E-mail address

Opening hours

Term time only Mon-Wed 1000-1200 Wed-Fri 1500-1700


In vacation by prior appointment only.


Photocopying available.


Last revision


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