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Department of Geography

University of Cambridge

Circa 38,000 sheet maps and 1,200 atlases and allied publications. Current and early OS editions for UK at scales of 1:1,250 to 1:1M. Topographic, earth sciences, population, administrative, industry and communications mapping. extensive coverage of France in both topographic and earth sciences; scales 1:25,000 to 1:1M. Detailed collections of mapping related to department teaching programmes, e.g. the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, and areas covered by field trips within UK. A collection of EEC related maps and atlases is being built up.

Over 1,500 aerial photographs of UK.


Department of Geography, Map Room, University of Cambridge, Downing Place, Cambridge, CB2 3EN

Main contact

Telephone number

01223 339807

E-mail address

Opening hours

0930-1230, 1400-1630 throughout the year



Tracing and photocopying facilities available.


Last revision


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