Senate House Library
University of London
Circa 66,000 sheets. A general collection: current OS maps up to scale 1:10,000 for Great Britain; 1:2,500 for Greater London and 1:1,250 for central London. Early editions of the OS 1:63,360 for Great Britain, also geological, soil, land use and other thematic series. Foreign topographic and thematic coverage. Town plans, early maps, wall maps (loanable), Admiralty charts, and atlases.
Special collections include the WYATT BEQUEST (early maps of Buckinghamshire), the BROMHEAD COLLECTION (early maps of London), and the ELIOT-PHELIPS COLLECTION (Maps of Madrid, etc.).
Some air photographs, mainly of Greater London.
Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Main contact
Telephone number
(020) 7862 8840 / (020) 7862 8461 (Reference & Information Section)
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon-Thurs 0900-2100; Fri 0900-1830; Sat 0930-1730 Christmas and Summer vacations: Mon-Fri 0900-1800; Sat 0930-1730
Open to staff and students of Colleges of the University of London; Academic Staff and researchers of UK Higher Education Institutions in receipt of funding from the funding councils.
All other categories: direct charges are made for all other use of the Library. In some circumstances where access is required to certain named research collections fees may be waived. Applications in advance in writing to the Librarian.
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