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Western Bank Library

University of Sheffield

It comprises a good collection of British maps. The whole of the country is covered at a scale of 1:25,000 and 1:50,000. Larger scale maps are available for local areas (North Derbyshire, South Yorkshire) at a scale of 1:2,500 and 1:10,000. Maps at a scale of 1:500 and 1:1,250 are available for the Sheffield area only. There is a wide range of historical maps (mainly 1850’s onwards).

Aerial photos covering Sheffield and Rotherham for 1992 are stocked.

The Library stocks a good range of atlases and gazetteers which can be used in conjunction with the maps.

The collection is reference only and photocopying facilities are available (subject to copyright).It is advisable for visitors to ring the library before making a special visit, maps are retrieved by library staff allowing 24 hours notice and will be available by 10.30. Monday –  Friday.

For further details please see:


Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN

Main contact

Telephone number

0114 222 2704

E-mail address
Opening hours

Please see Library website for opening times :




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