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J.B. Morrell Library
University of York
Approx. 2,400 sheets and 60 atlases, mainly topographic. Earlier non-metric editions of large scale maps for some parts of Yorkshire (random coverage); Yorkshire land use and geology maps. A few random sheets for Africa.
The University subscribes to a number of mapping data services but the licences restrict these to use by members of the University only. For further details contact Peter Halls (Tel: 01904-433806).
Heslington YORK YO10 1DD
Main contact
Telephone number
01904 433872 (Mrs. Henley), 0l904 433865 (Enquiries)
E-mail address
Opening hours
Term Mon-Fri 0900-2200; Sat 0900-1715; Sun 1400-1800 (Ref. Only) Vacation Mon-Fri 0900-2100 (July-Aug. 0900-1715) Open May bank holidays Closed between Christmas and New Year
Photocopying and photographic facilities available.
Last revision
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