West Sussex Record Office
West Sussex County Council
Approx. 5,000 sheets and some atlases. Printed and manuscript maps relating to West Sussex.
Publications include: Local History Mini-Guide to Sources: no.16 Maps of West Sussex (WSCC, 2005); A Catalogue of Sussex Estate and Tithe Award Maps, vol.1 (F.W. Steer, Sussex Record Soc. vol.61, 1962); and A Catalogue of Sussex Maps, vol.2 (F.W. Steer, Sussex Record Soc., vol.66, 1968); Horsham Mapped: A catalogue of local maps (WSCC, 1998) and A Handlist of Sussex Inclosure Acts and Awards (W.E. Tate, 1950).
County Hall, CHICHESTER, West Sussex, PO19 1RN
Main contact
Telephone number
01243 753602
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon, Weds, Fri 0915 - 1645, Thurs 0915 - 1930, Sat 0915 - 1230, 1330 - 1630 Closed Bank Holidays, first full week in December and Easter Saturday
General public in possession of a CARN readers ticket.
Documents need to be ordered before 1615 on Thursday evenings
Scanning and digital photography, photocopying and microfilming available where appropriate, for a fee.
Last revision