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Announcing our Autumn Lecture – Mapping the Big Data Decade

with James Cheshire: 16 November 2021, 7 pm

Registration is now open for our Annual Lecture and AGM, to be held virtually on Zoom. All members will receive an email with details of how to book their free ticket.

Mapping the Big Data Decade

The BCS 2021 Autumn Lecture will be presented by James Cheshire, Professor of Geographic Information and Cartography at UCL, on Tuesday 16 November at 7 pm.

He will reflect on creating some of the first maps from social media data, a Tube Map of life expectancy, and the Datashine platform that remains one of the most detailed demographic maps of Britain.

James has also co-authored three BCS award-winning books with designer Oliver Uberti and he will reveal how his processes have changed and adapted over recent years to keep pace with the ever-greater volumes of data available to cartographers. The talk will end on James’ efforts to return cartography to the curriculum in the UCL Department of Geography, where he now teaches map making skills to over 70 students a year.

About James Cheshire: James is Professor of Geographic Information and Cartography in the UCL Department of Geography. He is co-author of the critically acclaimed books London: The Information Capital, Where the Animals Go and Atlas of the Invisible. James is the recipient of a number of major awards from the Royal Geographical Society, The North American Cartographic Information Society and British Cartographic Society. He was President of the Society of Cartographers between 2017 and 2019.


The Lecture will be followed by an EGM at 8 pm, then our AGM which will begin at 8.05 pm and will include:

  • presentation of the Annual Report and accounts

  • election of Officers and Council

If you have not received details of how to book your free space, please get in touch with our administrator, Liz Bourne, at

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