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Durham University Library, Archives and Special Collections

University of Durham

Several thousand maps and plans relating to the north of England, mainly County Durham, most dating from the late 18th to 20th centuries. They include estate and enclosure plans; all but 4 of the tithe apportionments and plans for Co. Durham; early printed town and county maps; OS maps of various dates and scales, with particularly good coverage of the eds.

SUDAN ARCHIVE maps of the Sudan (1899-1955), and of neighbouring territories and the Middle East in general. Circa 750 sheet, including an almost complete set of Sudan 1:250,000 (1920-30), and some Sudan Geological Survey maps. Also Ms. Maps (town plans, battle plans, trek maps, etc.), many in diaries and notebooks. Also circa 50 aerial photographs of Khartoum and Omdurman taken by the R.A.F. in the 1930's and 1940's.

1st EARL GREY PAPERS item 2244: Thomas Jeffries The West India Atlas... (London, 1775); with D'Anville's Map of South America...(1775); item 2245: book containing printed maps of the West India islands, 1758-1794; item 2246: book in which are mounted forty plans and maps (mostly Ms., few printed) of West Indian islands and strategic points on them (1762-1794). BAKER-BAKER PAPERS 27/17: Preliminary Admiralty chart of the south-west coast of Pemba Island (Zanzibar), with manuscript additions and alterations, 1889. In the early printed collections, circa 30 atlases, predominantly late-16th to 18th century.


Palace Green Section, Palace Green, Durham, Co. Durham DH1 3RN

Main contact

Telephone number

0191 374 3202

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 0900-1700 Closed circa 10 days around Christmas and New Year; at Easter, and on public holidays.


Prior appointment desirable; essential for maps in the Durham Cathedral Muniments, which are located in a separate building nearby.


Photocopying and photography service available. Although digital photography by readers is not generally permitted, it is allowed for large maps by agreement with the reading room supervisor.


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