King's College London
University of London
Circa 50,000 sheets, 200 atlases and 7,500 aerial photographs. 1:1M International World Map; topographic mapping of UK, Western Europe, Central and South America. Geological mapping of UK and Western Europe. Miscellaneous holding for rest of world.
DOS deposit of Caribbean region aerial photography.
Note: The field sheets of the Second Land Utilisation Survey of England and Wales are held by the Land Use Research Unit, c/o Professor Alice Colemen. Initial enquiries please to: The Department of Geography. Prior application by letter is essential.
College Map Collection, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
Main contact
Telephone number
(020) 7848 2802 (direct)
E-mail address
Opening hours
Closed for one week at Christmas and Easter, also for annual leave (dates vary).
By appointment only
Access and loans to non-King's College members at Map Curator's discretion. Prior appointment desirable for non-members.
Last revision