Cornwall Archaeological Unit
Cornwall County Council
County-wide coverage of archaeological sites at 1:10,000 on annotated OS base; includes prehistoric, Medieval, industrial and place-name data, etc., (ca. 200 maps). Surveys, plans, illustrations at various scales relating to archaeological sites, landscapes, artefacts, buildings, etc., (well over 30,000 items, produced mainly since 1980).
Comprehensive aerial photograph collection, including RCHME, and CUCAP photographs, and CAU's own flying programme (ca. 5,000 prints and slides).
Ground photographs of sundry archaeological sites, artefacts, structures, etc. (ca. 25,000 black and white prints and colour slides.
Kennal Buildings, Old County Hall, Station Road TRUR0 Cornwall TR1 3AY
Main contact
S. Hartgroves (Principal Archaeologist)
Telephone number
01872 74282 Ext. 3603
E-mail address
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 0930-1630
Prior appointment desirable
Photocopying available
Last revision